Have you been getting more acne on your face since wearing a mask?
There’s a reason for it.
Your mask can irritate your skin when it rubs against your face. This irritation creates small tears on your face that allows bacteria to crawl in and create unwanted whiteheads and blackheads.
Mask acne, otherwise known as “maskne,” usually appears in areas where the mask rests, like your chin, cheeks, and the bridge of your nose, and it’s common for people all ages and genders.
Maskne can be extremely annoying and discouraging, but there are ways to fight it.
Forget costly topical treatments and pills that may or may not work. Why not try a treatment that kills acne-causing bacteria on the spot AND stimulates skin growth and repair?
QM Medical’s Intensive Acne Removal Treatment treats problematic spots and leaves your face looking fresh and flawless. We’ve combined two of our innovative technologies—Light-Emitting Diode (LED) and Intense Pulse Light (IPL)—to give a one-two punch of acne-killing power.
Our IPL technology stimulates collagen growth, minimizes pores, AND rids of dark acne scars by emitting intense pulses of light that reach the second layer of your skin. By penetrating so deeply below the surface of your kin, the light will get to the root of scarring and discoloration. IPL helps even your skin tone and pores.
We then utilize our LED technology which uses various light wavelengths, including red and blue, to zap the bacteria that causes acne and heal the skin from within. LED uses safe UV-free technology, and it helps stop the aging process too.
Here are 8 reasons why you’ll want to book your Intensive Acne Removal Treatment today:
It’s pain free
It requires zero downtime
It kills bacteria on the spot AND controls sebaceous glands
It minimizes pores and leaves your skin look firmer
It eases inflammation and has a healing effect on your skin
It regenerates your skin, leaving it looking younger, healthier, and smoother
It helps improve blood circulation and cell metabolism
You’ll see life-changing, long-lasting results